Lincoln, Nebraska
The purpose of the project was to dewater a new building on the UNL college campus.
The building’s basement had footings that extended through a sand layer into clay. The building was also being attached to an existing building on one side, and in close proximity to existing structures and streets. Two sides of the excavation were shored with sheet pile while the other sides were open cut.
The contractor required the system be installed prior to the start of construction from the original ground surface, so a 700 ft. wellpoint system with 23 ft. deep wellpoints was installed. Griffin utilized vacuum wellpoints to remove as much groundwater as possible from the excavation to help limit the flows needing to be sumped. With such low flows being pumped from the excavation and the long duration the system was needed, the system was also winterized by Griffin using a glycol heating system and concrete blankets to keep the system from freezing.
The contractor had limited on-site resources, so Griffin was able to provide a turn-key dewatering system to help mitigate the amount of groundwater needing to be sumped. Griffin achieved the required drawdown and met the client’s needs