dewatering project integrity dig griffin dewatering company marathon

INtegrity Dig

Griffith, indiana

Manually hand-jetted wellpoints were installed in a horseshoe shaped configuration. The ground surface is swampy and the water table needed to be lowered over the existing lines to effect the repair of a pipeline anomaly. 


The water table at the location was near the ground surface, requiring groundwater at site to be pre-drained prior to excavation. A “dry hole” would allow the welders to work safely to complete the pipeline repair. 

Griffin has extensive knowledge of the area and knew proper well construction was required to prevent the pumping of fines from the wells.


The Griffin team designed a wellpoint system configured in a horseshoe shape around the integrity dig location. The wellpoints were installed using hand-jetting techniques and filter pack material was emplaced the entire length of the borehole to prevent formation fines from entering the wells.

Griffin was also able to provide operations and maintenance of the system at a competitive rate. The above ground portion of the system consisted of 240 ft. of header pipe, 200 ft. of discharge hose and one diesel-powered wellpoint pump.


Our knowledge of the local geology allowed us to design the wellpoints with properly sized filter pack and reduced screen length. 

Additionally, we provided the owner flexibility with our O&M proposal. 

Finally, Griffin offered construction dewatering technical training to the Marathon integrity dig team.