Houston, Texas
Dewatering needed during construction of a 47-story skyscraper located in downtown Houston.
An excavation of significant depth (30+ feet) in downtown Houston was challenged by hydrostatic uplift pressure. The site had only one access point and use of space was a continual concern. The main slab of the foundation could not be poured without dewatering and relieving the hydrostatic pressure. prevent the pumping of fines from the wells.
Griffin provided groundwater management for the construction of the deep
foundation. Griffin installed 8 deep wells from 25 ft. below grade to relieve artesian
pressure in underlying sand. Wells were drilled to approximately 50 ft. below working grade by bucket auger and connected to a discharge header suspended from the excavation walls to maximize Gilbane’s access to the site. Griffin completed the system with several mobilizations to fit the clients schedule for needing to access the site.
Griffin provided a solution that minimized impact on construction access to a very
tight project site. Griffin’s discharge pipe was suspended above construction grade
from the excavation walls to maximize site access. Griffin proposed a solution under a minimum plus model. We mobilized with the plan of putting in the system that we believed would be sufficient if the site assumptions that were made were accurate. We provided a cost for additional wells (if needed) to create an equitable risk share with regard to the dewatering efforts.