Introducing Griffin’s Online Dewatering Adviser

No two construction projects are the same. Each one is unique, just like the ground beneath it. It is essential to understand your groundwater risk potential before starting a construction project. We leveraged our 85 years of successful construction dewatering and groundwater management projects to design a one-of-a-kind tool to help you start planning your next dewatering system.

Take one minute to enter in a few details, and you’ll get a free flow estimate, recommended system options and issues to consider when dewatering. Griffin’s Dewatering Adviser breaks down the information on your specific project to customize and recommend a dewatering system type and capacity based on your project requirements.

Get an idea of the customized dewatering system information you’ll receive.

  • Flow Estimate: An estimated range of flow (from low to high in gallons per minute).
  • System Options: System options will show a generalized dewatering approach based on the input you provided.
  • Considerations: Issues to consider regarding dewatering based on the parameters provided.

Try out our Dewatering Adviser before planning your next construction project. And if you’re looking for the most cost-effective groundwater solution possible? Take the next step to involve Griffin engineering early on.

We’ve made it easy to send your results to a Griffin expert for further analysis, please click Get a Quote after getting your adviser results.

If you need additional help in understanding more about the project information we are asking for – contact Griffin Dewatering at (713) 676-8000 for a detailed review of your project.