Wanzek Construction was hired by Xcel Energy to install 32 energy generating windmills in a remote area of Summit, South Dakota. Aiming to reduce carbon emissions 80% by 2030 in the Upper Midwest.
Wanzek Construction was hired by Xcel Energy to install 32 energy generating windmills in a remote area of Summit, South Dakota. Aiming to reduce carbon emissions 80% by 2030 in the Upper Midwest.
The biggest challenges of this project were the access to each foundation was remote, so roads had to be constructed to get to each location through farm fields. After access was provided, the soil profile proved to be littered with cobbles making jetting very difficult.
Since the foundation sites are remote, getting an ample water supply is key in getting the system installed quickly and efficiently. Since the excavations had already been attempted without dewatering, a large amount of groundwater was present in the already open excavation. We pumped the water directly from this reservoir of groundwater and used this water for the jetting, expediting jetting and not having to haul water to the site. We saved time by using the Griffin Track Punch jetting tool, and installed wellpoints through the cobbly soils, without having to ship a drill rig to the site. Both items made the install quick, efficient, and economical for the customer.
Griffin was asked to review the geotech and design a dewatering system, provide and operate the machines to install the system, then remobilize, remove, and reinstall the system for an additional site. Not to mention mobilize a 3rd time to remove and return the system upon final completion. Griffin also provided remote telemetry that was able to monitor groundwater flows and transmit that data offsite 24/7, ensuring the system was always running. Few dewatering companies can provide such services in such a quick and efficient timeframe that was required by Wanzek.