Project Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Owner: Omaha Airport Authority
GC: Kiewit
Engineer: URS Corp & HDR
Project Revenue: $2.5 M
Project Start and End Date: June 2011 – September 2011
During the heavy rains in the Summer of 2011, the Eppley Airfield was nearly inoperable due to the Missouri River’s rising water levels. The levees protecting Eppley Airfield at Offutt Air Force Base were stressed, saturated and in danger of failing.
Griffin installed seventy (70) relief/dewatering wells, drilled to 95 ft., to aid in flood mitigation. The wells were drilled using multiple bucket auger rigs to get pressure off the levees quickly. Each well was able to pump more than 1,400 gallons per minute (GPM).
Griffin provided immediate relief by sending 4 crews and 4 drill rigs to the site. Griffin crews diligently worked 7 days a week for a month, drilling two (2) wells a day per rig to provide emergency relief to the airfield and the residents of Omaha.